Prof. Eleyan has an excellent relevant diversity experience in academia and industry. He has a PhD in Information Systems and MSc in Business Information Technology. He is a full professor and working as a president Assistant at Palestine Technical University Kadoorie (PTUK). He served five years as an assistant professor at Birzeit University in the Department of Computer Science teaching variety of courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels and supervised MSc students in Scientific Computing and Software Engineering. He has worked also as lecturer and course team leader in computing at Essex University/UK, where he taught various modules as, information systems, project management, database, web database, and website management, Computer and Business Ethics, Research methods. He has developed an BSc degree programme in Forensic Computing. He was a visiting lecturer at the University of Manchester, teaching an MSc course of Enterprise System Modelling, and Business Information Technology. He has served as an external reviewer to some international conferences and journals in information science, information systems and business process modelling. His research interests focuses in System dynamics, software quality, Information Systems, Business Process Modelling, Customer service and satisfaction and return on investment, information technology management, IT project management, Quality of Service, Academic quality and performance evaluation, Business and computer ethics, Software testing quality assurance, Usability and e-commerce websites, Web decision systems. Dr. Eleyan has been selected to be a judge in Reimagine Education for the Education Oscar Awards for 2020.He has a good expertise as an Information Systems Consultant at EU commission supporting Ministry of Social Affairs. Software developer at Arab Bank, Palestine, Managing director of German Technology Centre at the Ministry of Labour Palestine. He is a member of some societies as British Computer Society (BCS), Institute for Learning (IFL), Systems Dynamics Society (SDS). Prof. Eleyan is a founding member of Experts for Education Initiative in Palestine. A member of Board of directors of Al-israa Hospital in Tulkarem/Palestine. A member of a steering committee of IT strategy in Palestine. National coordinator of European Cooperation in Science and Technology in Palestine. A member of Board of Directors of UNIMED, Member of Management Board of Palestinian Monetary Authority.