Dr. Said Jamil Haifa was born in El-Mazraa Alsharkia, Palestine in 1951.
Dr. Haifa obtained his first degree from Jordan University in 1974 majoring in Economics and statistics; his Masters degree in Econometrics and International Economics from McGill University- Montreal, Canada in 1979, and his PhD degree in Economics focusing on Monetary Theory from McGill University in 1984.
He joined Birzeit University in 1980, and was appointed as a Chairman of the Economics Department, during the periods 1984-1986, Dean of Faculty of Commerce and Economics at Birzeit University for the period 1986-1989, Chairman of Economics Department for the period 2006 - 2011, and Coordinator of M.A. program in Economics for the period 2007 - 2011.
He was member of Palestinian delegation for the multilateral working group on Economic development and regional cooperation, as well as Macroeconomics counterpart coordinator with the World Bank Macroeconomics mission during the period 1991-1994.
Dr. Haifa has been a member of several national and international organizations. He has conducted several researches and studies aiming at promoting, improving, and developing the industrial and agricultural sectors in Palestine.
He has been a member of the board of directors at the Palestine Monetary Authority since Sep. 2009 - Sep. 2011 , and Palestinian Insurance Deposit Corporation from 2013 - 2019 .
Dr. Haifa is currently a member of the board of directors at Palestinian Monetary Authority and ass. Professor of Economics at Birzeit University.